Wishing all dogs encounter someone they feel safe
enough to attach their bodies to.


Saving a life is a transformative experience.
Whether it's rescuing a human or an animal, the act of saving a life not only impacts the one being saved but also deeply affects the person performing the rescue. It instills a sense of purpose, empathy, and fulfillment, shaping one's values and worldview.
We operate solely on volunteers and have not received a single penny from donations. All of your donations go directly towards helping the dogs in need. Please consider supporting us.
All of your donations go directly towards helping the dogs in need.

Donate Today paw paw

Adopting a dog is NOT just getting a pet.

It is saving a life which is something
that changes you and your family’s life for the better! 

Flight Angel needed!!

Flight Angel refers to those who escort rescued dogs from Mexico Cansun Airport to Vancouver airport. You don't need to pay anything and all procedures are handled through WPRS.

If you plan to go to Cancun, please consider helping the puppies to get to their new families.

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flight angel
flight angel

What we do

flight angel

1Rescue from Mexico

We WPRS, sponsor those dogs who are mentally and physically wounded.

With our funding, we take to veterinarians for physical care, and Evelyne provides them with mental care in her own home, ensuring they can thrive and succeed in Canada.

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flight angel

2Promoting Animal Welfare

We believe in promoting animal welfare through education, understanding that people can achieve great things through it. Recognizing that the lives of animals are just as valuable as those of humans, and acknowledging pets as members of our families, is a crucial mission for us.

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About us

flight angel

Our organization operates from Vancouver, with Marie, and Shinichi as directors and Kim as a Public relation Manager. Kira and RANCER CONTIGO (Evelyne) have been rescuing hundreds of dogs from Mexico for years without relying on government assistance or formal organizations. Not only Kira and Evelyne themselves but their entire families dedicate almost all of their time to caring for these dogs.

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