Adopting a dog is NOT just getting a pet. 

It is saving a life which is something that changes you and your family’s life for the better! 

What we do

Saving a life is a transformative experience. Whether it's rescuing a human or an animal, the act of saving a life not only impacts the one being saved but also deeply affects the person performing the rescue. It instills a sense of purpose, empathy, and fulfillment, shaping one's values and worldview.


Saving a life can inspire compassion, strengthen bonds, and bring profound meaning to one's own life journey.

We operate solely on volunteers and have not received a single penny from donations. All of your donations go directly towards helping the dogs in need. Please consider supporting us.

All of your donations go directly towards helping the dogs in need.

About us

Our organization operates from Vancouver, with Marie, and Shinichi as directors and Kim as a Public relation Manager.


Kira and RANCER CONTIGO (EVILIN) have been rescuing hundreds of dogs from Mexico for years without relying on government assistance or formal organizations. Not only Kira and Evilin themselves but their entire families dedicate almost all of their time to caring for these dogs.

In support of these two individuals, Shinichi and Marie have established a non-profit organization (NPO), dedicating funds and time so that Kira and Evilin can focus on their dog rescue mission.


As volunteers, we are driven by our passion to rescue dogs from often dire circumstances, including abandonment, abuse, neglect, or life as street dogs. We aim to provide these wonderful, adoptable dogs with the opportunity for a better life. Our Partner NPO

Rancer Contigo

We collaborate closely with Rancer Contigo, which was established by Evilin, a resident of Cancun who shares our dedication to helping dogs. Evilin fosters the dogs in Mexico, assesses their condition to the best of their ability, and ensures that all necessary veterinary procedures, such as sterilization and blood work for various diseases, are completed before the dogs are flown to Canada. 


 Rescue from Mexico

We WPRS, sponsor those dogs who are mentally and physically wounded.

With our funding, we take to veterinarians for physical care, and EVILIN provides them with mental care in her own home, ensuring they can thrive and succeed in Canada.


In Mexico, the concept of pets is still outdated, and dogs are treated as "merchandise." Many backyard breeders sell dogs like toys and then discard them like toys. The discarded dogs are treated like trash. The country as a whole has few laws regarding pets, and in poor areas, dogs barely survive as strays.

Furthermore, in countries where education is lacking, it's not uncommon to see dogs who have done nothing wrong, simply frightened, being used as bait for dog fighting or being harmed for stress relief by humans. There is no escape for these dogs in such countries.

After we ensure that every need of the dog is met, when the dog is ready, it is transported by air through Vancouver International Airport and Kelowna Airport, where its new or foster families warmly welcome it until a permanent home is secured. Kira is always present at arrivals.

We transparently disclose all information obtained about each dog and conduct thorough health checks prior to their flights.

Promoting Animal Welfare

We believe in promoting animal welfare through education, understanding that people can achieve great things through it. Recognizing that the lives of animals are just as valuable as those of humans, and acknowledging pets as members of our families, is a crucial mission for us.


Is a dog purchased from a pet shop or breeder not loved as a family member?

Dogs purchased from pet shops or breeders aren't necessarily unloved as family members. In many cases, owners choose their pets with affection from pet shops or breeders and accept them as part of their family. 

But rather, they've been raised with the perception that pets are commodities, influenced by society. They may not realize the extent of the harm they're causing simply because they haven't received proper education.

Through education, we aim to change such perceptions and foster a deeper respect and affectionate bond between humans and animals.

Our Sponsor : We endorse these companies!

Canada Ryugaku Compass/Canada Prime Consulting

 "Canada Study Compass/Canada Prime" has two mascot dogs, Shin-chan and Aspen. Marie, the owner, and Shinichi, the business partner, own the company.


In addition to donating a portion of its sales to various NPOs every year, the company has founded its own NPO and actively contributes to society. It is a Japan-based study abroad agency dedicated to improving society.


Churipi Durka (Organic Himalayan Yak Milk Dental Chew)

We have a passion for all things natural and health-giving....


Bringing incredible products to the world is what we love. It is our goal to inspire each other to help create a world where health and nutrition are more accessible and understood, to create sustainable farming partnerships where the communities that supply us are better off spiritually and economically than they were before they met us, and to contribute to communities all over the world in the form of mutual respect, caring and giving.


Precious Pawz

When looking for a mobile pet groomer around York Region in Ontario, there is no better choice than Precious Pawz.


We have been providing mobile grooming services to pet owners in and around the area for several years now, and our experienced team of mobile groomers is dedicated to making sure that your pup receives the best quality service possible.



Seair Seaplanes was founded by Peter Clarke, a pilot who grew up in BC, dreaming from a young age about flying seaplanes on the west coast.


Seair Seaplane’s main base is located at the Vancouver International Seaplane Base (CAM9) near the south terminal of the Vancouver International Airport on the Fraser River. The office, reception area and hangar are conveniently located close to the airport for passengers with commercial flight connections.


Suite 460 1140 West Pender Street Vancouver B.C. V6E 4G1

Incorporation Number: S0077489, Business Number: 78405 6012 BC0001,Filed Date: December 16, 2022

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