Rescue from Mexico
We WPRS, sponsor those dogs who are mentally and physically wounded.
With our funding, we take to veterinarians for physical care, and Evelyne provides them with mental care in her own home, ensuring they can thrive and succeed in Canada.
In Mexico, the concept of pets is still outdated, and dogs are treated as "merchandise." Many backyard breeders sell dogs like toys and then discard them like toys. The discarded dogs are treated like trash. The country as a whole has few laws regarding pets, and in poor areas, dogs barely survive as strays.
Furthermore, in countries where education is lacking, it's not uncommon to see dogs who have done nothing wrong, simply frightened, being used as bait for dog fighting or being harmed for stress relief by humans. There is no escape for these dogs in such countries.
After we ensure that every need of the dog is met, when the dog is ready, it is transported by air through Vancouver International Airport and Kelowna Airport, where its new or foster families warmly welcome it until a permanent home is secured. Kira is always present at arrivals.
We transparently disclose all information obtained about each dog and conduct thorough health checks prior to their flights.